The Extra Strategist’s Royal Road Chapter 125
The troops of Bülang are gathering at the final assembly point, the Setes intersection, to retreat. Their movement was swift, not even refraining from night marches.
“Unit 6, Jeremiah Guerrilla Corps, has returned!”
“Welcome back.”
General Jean Hysack, the commander-in-chief of Bülang, greeted them with a weary expression. After the situation changed, he had not been able to sleep at all.
‘I never thought it would go this way…’
Since Tunkai and Svenner had joined hands and invaded the mainland, they could not stay here. They had to retreat without looking back.
Secretly, he had hoped that Calliper would just let them go, but he thought that was unlikely. That would leave a scratch on Calliper’s reputation.
“Unit 4 Guerrilla Corps has returned. We repelled the enemy’s attack!”
“Okay, what’s the damage situation?”
Fortunately, the units that retreated quickly did not suffer much damage from the pursuit.
So far, the total troop casualties were around 3,000. Only one guerrilla unit was completely annihilated.
“Hysack. The forces in the north are not yet…”
To Prince Eldric’s question, Hysack patted his chest and said not to worry.
“Christian Peltz is leading the retreat in the north.”
“Hmph, is that so? Did you place your right-hand man there?”
“Since the north is likely to face reinforcements from the enemy, I entrusted it to Peltz.”
“But isn’t it too late? Most of the troops have already returned.”
“I think they might have been chased.”
If that was the case, there might have been considerable damage.
Still, Hysack did not think Peltz would fail the operation, but the news that came back to him was bad.
“Emergency report! Units 11, 12, and 13 Guerrilla Corps were annihilated! The retreat of the northern forces has effectively failed!”
“What?! How could that happen?”
“The reports are unclear, but according to the testimonies of the surviving soldiers who have returned to the camp, they were subjected to a massive night ambush!”
“Immediately tabulate the scale of the damage!”
Information keeps pouring in.
“The 15th Guerrilla Corps was hit. The enemy seems to be the royal army!”
“The 16th Guerrilla Corps is retreating while being chased! The enemy is the royal army!”
Ars, who had attacked and annihilated Bülang’s northern assembly point, was now dealing with the enemy forces approaching the assembly point like a string of sausages.
Hysack, who had tabulated the scale of the damage, was dizzy for a moment.
“A total of 10,000… Were hit? Pelts, what happened to Peltz?”
“He was killed.”
Hysack collapsed into the chair.
Eldric was also shocked.
“The royal army… Are you talking about the forces stationed in Elton?”
“I thought they were just scarecrows, but the commander is…”
“A young general named Ars Elaine!”
Eldric frowned, as a familiar feeling crept into his mind.
“Ars? I’ve seen him somewhere before…”
Recalling the individuals from Calliper one by one, he quickly remembered. The young boy who had once rebuked him at the Saleon Ducal House.
After quickly checking the details, he was certain.
“That child is now a general…!?”
Even he did not expect this. Who would believe that the young boy he knew back then is now a general?
He had heard that Calliper had appointed a cadet as a general, but the core of the story was that the king had gone senile, not much about the actual general.
That’s why, at the time, even when he heard the name Elaine, it didn’t ring a bell.
As the saying goes, you only understand after experiencing it yourself. Eldric finally recalled Ars.
‘I thought he had potential, but…’
Eldric felt a deep interest in Ars. Seeing that the promising child had blossomed into his full potential, a thrill rose up in his chest.
‘I really want to make him one of my own people.’
At the time, he had made a friendly recruitment proposal, but now he decided not to care about the means.
First, he would capture him as a prisoner and try to persuade him.
With that decision made, Eldric gathered his subordinates and issued a new operation order.
The cavalry unit that had given chase had likewise joined up near the Setes intersection.
The armies of the west, southwest, and south had gathered in one place and were facing off against Bülang army.
110,000 versus 110,000.
General Altior Saleon immediately convened a military council and summoned the key officers.
After talking with Olaf, who had gone west, I leisurely made my way to the council chamber. As a royal commander, I had the freedom to do so.
“Apologies for the delay.”
I would have liked to sit at the back, but given the hierarchy, I couldn’t. I took a seat at one of the empty front-row spots.
As soon as I sat down, Altior spoke.
“I’ve heard. You achieved excellent results, I’m told?”
“It was just luck.”
“Just luck?”
“The development of a battlefield does depend on chance to a certain extent.”
“Haha, no need to be unnecessarily modest. I’ve already received the detailed reports. That was a praiseworthy strategy.”
“…You’re too kind.”
The gazes of the other officers had also changed towards me.
Duke Hellian shrugged his shoulders, as if to say ‘If you don’t act sufficiently, there might be another uproar?’
‘Well, from now on it’s outside my jurisdiction, so I don’t care.’
After all, the most I could command was about 10,000.
While that might work for a small skirmish, in a situation where over 100,000 armies were clashing, it would be difficult for me to accomplish anything.
“My lord, what instructions did His Majesty give from the capital regarding this matter?”
At my question, Hellian made a clicking sound with his tongue. “That’s a bit ambiguous. His Majesty thinks it would be fine to simply send Bülang’s army back, considering the losses our army would suffer. But it seems Prince Avilan has a different opinion.”
Avilan was the crown prince and heir to the throne.
But he was no greenhorn. As one could tell from the king’s age, Prince Avilan was already 61 years old, quite elderly.
“He says we cannot just let the enemy who ravaged our homeland go. Hence, the extermination order has been issued, with no survivors to be spared.”
“But a direct confrontation carries great risk. Especially here at the Setes intersection.”
This was the site where I had crushed the Madon army.
It was a flat plain with hardly any terrain features, so any battle would turn into an all-out frontal clash. The casualties on both sides would be evident.
“Yes, that’s why we plan to engage in a token battle and then put some distance between us. What do you think, Duke Altior?”
“…I see. So you want to stage a show battle for political reasons. You’ve really become a politician, Regnat. Where’s the fiery spirit of your youth?”
“Haha, the way you say that makes me feel ashamed. In any case, this seems the most efficient way to uphold the royal dignity while also gaining some advantage. Let’s have a fierce battle first, and then send the enemy back.”
Altior nodded. “Very well. In that case, it’s better to make the decisive battle as quick as possible. We’ll attack the enemy at dawn tomorrow, and have them withdraw by around noon. I’ll issue further instructions during the battle. Is that clear to everyone?”
“Yes, General!”
The Calliper army began preparations for the battle.
At this time, I felt a strange sense of unease, but after pondering it, I couldn’t pinpoint anything, so I decided to just let it be.
When I returned to my quarters, I encountered an unexpected scene.
“That’s why you can’t deal with the people of Europe!”
“Coming in to take advantage of this, are you, Tunkai?”
Olaf and Lysithea were in the midst of a heated argument. The usually docile Olaf was unusually showing his anger.
“What are you two doing in my quarters?”
At my question, Olaf let out a small sigh. “Ah, no, I just came to report on the new unit assignments. Lysithea is here for that as well.”
“It’s not just that! Wade, I want to ask you something. Did you instigate this large-scale war by any chance?”
It seems Lysithea thought this chain of events was orchestrated by me.
“No, I don’t think Crossing is involved either. It’s just that Bülang fired the first shot, and that provoked Europe into an impulsive action. Judging by how quickly they pounced, Tunkai must have really angered them.”
“I knew it!” Olaf just whistled nonchalantly under Lysithea’s glaring gaze.
“If that’s all you had to say, shall we return? There will be a battle at dawn tomorrow, so you two should get some rest as well.”
“A battle, not just an endless chase?”
“Of course, that would be the most efficient method. But then the war would drag on unnecessarily. We’ll clash once for show, and then withdraw.”
“That’s a bit disappointing. To end without accomplishing anything. It seems your side, Gaspar, made quite a spectacular move.”
“That’s just it. Eo seems to have been provoked and is brimming with eagerness.”
“Haha, so that one is still the same as ever.”
After sending them away, I decided to drop by the Eonia’s as well.
Eo was outside the quarters, growling at Gaspar, who was roasting a wild animal over a campfire.
“So that man is practically the one I killed!”
“Haha, don’t be so stubborn, you greenhorn girl. I’m the one who slit that Christian Peltz’ throat. The credit is naturally mine.”
“I, I wounded him in the shoulder!”
“Got any proof? Ah, you don’t, right~ No proof, so shut your trap.”
I couldn’t help but sigh.
I gently patted Eo’s head.
“Ah, Lord Ars!?”
“I’ve told you repeatedly. Don’t quarrel with your colleagues over your specialties. If you keep this up, I won’t be taking you to the battlefield from now on.”
Oops, I let out an immature remark without realizing it. It’s not like I’m snatching a toy from a child.
However, it seems to be an immediate cure for Eo, as she quickly apologizes to Gaspar. Gaspar just laughs heartily.
I sat down facing Gaspar. Then Aggert, who was sitting next to me, handed me a leg of meat.
“Would the esteemed commander like some too? It just finished cooking!”
“Not really interested. You can have it.”
I threw some dry firewood into the campfire and said to Gaspar.
“…Did you hear? It seems there is a unit of beastfolk in the Western army this time. It’s likely Diellum’s forces.”
“Oh, so they’ve finally come out into the open. Guderian must be leading the vanguard.”
“What do you think will happen?”
“Are you asking about the outcome of the war? …Or about what happens after the war?”
“The latter.”
Gaspar’s expression hardened as he answered.
“There will be a great upheaval. Where Diellum’s group passes, there will be a mountain of corpses. Not only soldiers, but civilians will be killed without exception. An unspeakable massacre will take place.”
“If that happens, the position of the beastfolk will become even worse.”
“Those bastards can’t get any worse off than they already are, I suppose.”
“It’s a difficult situation.”
I had been pondering the handling of the beastfolk as well. It had already passed the stage where it could be resolved by words, so some action was needed.
If Diellum’s group were to carry out a massacre under such circumstances, the situation would become even more complicated.
“To set the situation right, we need a leader who can guide the beastfolk in the right direction. Gaspar, is there no one you can think of?”
“No one.”
A straightforward answer.
“There were a few who harbored such intentions, but Diellum has purged them all. As I said, Ars, Diellum is not a party with whom dialogue is possible. Only Guderian is a bit special among them.”
To turn the hearts of the beastfolk who have already turned their backs, a charismatic leader is absolutely necessary.
If Olaf had been a beastfolk, he would have been the right person, but as a human, there are limits.
‘Then where should I find such a person?’
The situation is just as bad for the beastfolk within the continent. It is difficult to find beastfolk leaders to put forward.
Unless they go to another world, it seems impossible.
* * *
The next day.
We began our march at the first light of dawn.
Our army advanced with disciplined shouts.
The enemy forces also seemed to have anticipated it to some extent and quickly prepared their posture.
After closing the distance sufficiently, a moment of preparation began.
The soldiers hastily chewed on the individual rations they had been given earlier, preparing for the battle, and the officers began the final inspection.
As I was assigned to the right flank, I chewed on the jerky Eo had made while gazing at the enemy lines.
‘What’s wrong? I’ve been feeling a strange sense of unease since yesterday.’
I’ve been feeling that way recently.
It started after the life-or-death duel with Fischer Partin.
I suppose my instincts have become sharper. I began to feel something that my mind couldn’t comprehend.
‘What, have I also awakened as an instinctual type?’
Maybe I unconsciously learned the tricks Juras was doing.
I laughed it off in that way and waited for the engagement to begin.
Finally, the preparation was complete.
“Forward! Advance!”
Under the command of General Altior, our army began to cross the line. Bülang’s archers also joined in the suppression.
Our infantry calmly raised their shields to block the attacks and closed the distance to engage in combat.
I slowly pushed my forces forward in sync with the advance of the center army.
It was then that an unusual event occurred.
Boom! An infantry unit burst out from the enemy’s left flank. The forces led by Riserl Haldras and the protagonist Cassius Lloyd launched a breakthrough attack towards where I was.
Schedule: Everyday
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