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I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake. Chapter 65

I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake.

Chapter 65

Caesar left Homigraph and stood at the Gambet Plains, which borders the Kingdom of Dior.

Gloria looked around the Gambet Plains with curiosity.

“Is this the border?”

“Yes. That’s why we’re having a staring contest with those soldiers over there.”

Gloria stared curiously at the soldiers and knights of the Dior Kingdom.

“But why are they glaring at us like that?”

“Because they don’t like us very much.”

“Why? The Dior Kingdom and the Empire fought together against the demon realm. Shouldn’t we be on good terms?”

“Haven’t you studied history?”

Gloria shrugged and said.

“The history tutor was so boring that I just slept whenever they came.”

“That’s nothing to brag about.”

Somehow I, who only knows about this through game knowledge, know more about this place’s history than a native of the Wizard Province.

This is ridiculous.

Since there was plenty of time anyway, Caesar decided to give a rough explanation.

“The Dior Kingdom, or at least the Dior Kingdom soldiers here at the Gambet Plains, extremely hate the Empire.”


“Geographically, what is the Gambet Plains? From the Empire’s perspective, it’s the only path to the East Sea. Then from Emperor’s perspective, what do you think this land means?”

“It must be land they really want.”

“Exactly. In fact, most military supplies heading to the demon realm pass through here. Of course, there’s an agreement not to charge customs duties or inspect military supplies, but from now on, all magic stones coming up from the demon realm will have customs duties attached.”

“Then the Dior Kingdom makes a ton of money as more magic stones come in?”

“Yes. Anyway, due to various complicated issues like this, this land has been the site of fierce wars between the Empire and the Dior Kingdom. Sometimes the Empire took the Gambet Plains, sometimes the Dior Kingdom reclaimed it. Right now, the Dior Kingdom has reclaimed it.”

Gloria understood immediately.

“So does that make us the bad guys?”

Caesar glanced at the glaring knights and border guards while speaking.

“If you say it that openly, won’t you get arrested for blasphemy, Miss Gloria? If you want to die, die alone.”

“You’ve been speaking as if we were in the wrong this whole time.”

“No, what does that make me? I just stated the facts.”

“I just stated facts too.”

The border guard captain approached Caesar and Gloria.

“The Dior Kingdom betrayed Emperor Eileen who brought peace to the Valent Continent. They’re ungrateful bastards. It’s wrong to feel sympathy for such people.”

It’s like he’s saying he’ll kick their butts right now if they say anything more strange.

Caesar patted Gloria’s shoulder and said.

“Just shut up.”

“I get it. But when is that ship going to cross the border? It seems like it’s been docked over there for more than 3 hours?”

“Well, since it’s their first time, they must be doing a thorough inspection.”

The reason Caesar came out on field duty from the Wizard Province all the way to the ‘Pruna Border Territory’ was to protect the ship loaded with treasures that would be directly presented to His Majesty the Emperor.

Since these are official gifts from the Crown Prince who conquered the demon realm to the Emperor, it would be a huge problem if anything went wrong.

That’s why Caesar came here despite the hassle.


“Oh, it’s moving.”

The steamship finally started moving with its horn blowing.

Once they escort that ship past the Pruna Border to the border between the Wizard Province and Goldmile Province, Caesar’s long field duty will end.

At that moment, strange things appeared around the steamship.

“Huh? What’s that?”

Dolphin-like creatures circled around the steamship before jumping onto it.

Caesar asked the guard captain.

“Are they putting on some kind of show? What is that?”

“…I haven’t received any notice about this.”

The bigger problem was that the steamship, which had been moving well, stopped awkwardly right in the middle of the border.

“All troops! Prepare the artillery!”

“Wait, if you do that…”

When the guard captain ordered the border guards to aim their artillery at the steamship, the Dior Kingdom border guards on the other side also aimed their artillery.

The knights who were on standby also pulled out their spears and ran to the riverbank.

There were turtle-mounted riders waiting at the riverbank who could travel on water.

Befitting knights who guard the riverbank, their mounts were not ‘horses’ but ‘Giant Turtles’.

The knights mounted the Giant Turtles and grabbed the reins.

“Master, what should we do?”

“You wait here.”

The reason Caesar brought Gloria here wasn’t for actual fighting, but because it was irritating to think of her just lounging around while Caesar was working hard on field duty.

Moreover, this could potentially escalate into all-out war with the Dior Kingdom if handled poorly.

He couldn’t let Gloria die in a place like this.

Caesar drew his axe and mounted a nearby rider’s turtle.

“Let me ride with you for a moment.”

As soon as Caesar mounted, the knight commander shouted.

“All troops deploy and rescue the steamship!”

No matter how you look at it, the steamship is awkwardly straddling the middle of the border.

According to the shallow knowledge learned on the way, if a ship doesn’t completely cross the border, the Dior Kingdom is responsible for everything that happens on that steamship.

However, that steamship is fully loaded with treasures to be presented to the Emperor.

It’s not about whether it’s the Dior Kingdom’s fault or not, those symbolic treasures are evidence of successfully conquering the demon realm, and the moment they’re stolen, the Margrave of Pruna won’t be able to avoid the Emperor’s criticism.


The turtles rushed toward the steamship.

The turtles, which were expected to be slow, charged through the strong currents like rabbits toward the steamship.

In the distance, the Knights of the Dior Kingdom riding dolphins charged simultaneously.

“This looks bad no matter how you look at it.”

It seems like we might be going to war with the Dior Kingdom again today.

At that moment, Caesar’s eyes caught something strange.

‘What’s that?’

A woman with pink hair and dark red horns on her head was vigorously flapping bat wings, sprinkling pink powder toward the steamship.

How could he forget that face?

…Agatha Reinwaltz?’

Those are succubi.

Caesar ordered the knight in front of him.

“Retreat immediately!”


“Can’t you see that?! Those are succubi. We need mages!”

The core ability of succubi is enchantment.

While some mages can cast enchantment magic, a succubus’ enchantment is on a completely different level.

When caught in a succubus’ enchantment, one falls into the ‘dream’ shown by the succubus, significantly diminishing their ability to judge situations.

For regular soldiers or knights to break free from that enchanted state, they either need extremely high mental fortitude or a mage’s ‘Awakening’ spell…

“We don’t have any mages or anything right now! I said retreat immediately!”

“That’s impossible! Even if they’re succubi… Aaargh!”

Just then, someone leaped out from beneath the sea and snatched away the knight who was pulling Caesar’s turtle.

No, that’s not human.

“…A mermaid?”

A race that’s fish below the waist and human above.

A species that’s almost impossible to hunt unless you have mounted units that can dive or are a mage.

How did these creatures, usually found only in ‘Adventurer’s Grave’ or ‘Mermaid Island,’ come all the way to the Eileen River?

At that moment, another mermaid leaped toward Caesar.

Caesar instinctively swung his axe.

The mermaid twisted its body to dodge as soon as it saw Caesar’s axe.

However, the sharp wind wrapped around Caesar’s axe split its tough scales.


It dove back into the river, bleeding.

‘There’s no chance of winning.’

While fighting mermaid on land might be one thing, facing them in water is suicide.

Though the creature was careless just now, how could he possibly handle a mermaid that’s now injured and more alert?

Sure enough, the mermaid surrounded Caesar.

They brought transparent spears and aimed them at Caesar.

“Well, I’m screwed.”

Caesar used Wind Reading to find an escape route.

He immediately left the turtle and used Riding the Wind.

Direction: the ship.

The shore was too far to reach.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh.

The spears flew toward Caesar like arrows.

“Damn it.”

Their spear throwing skills are no joke.

Caesar had no choice but to twist his body once to avoid the spears.

He fell off his original wind path and began plummeting toward the sea.

“Hell, might as well try.”

Caesar caught a new wind path.

Direction: toward the mermaid.

A mermaid pulled out a throwing spear from the container on its back and hurled it at Caesar.

Caesar created Wild Wind against its spear.


Though the spear wasn’t strong enough to push Caesar’s body back, the Wild Wind he created spread in all directions, opening dozens of new Path of the Wind.

Caesar used Riding the Wind toward the path closest to the ship.

More spears came flying.

Caesar created Wild Wind again, caught another wind path, and flew through the sky.

He had to concentrate on Riding the Wind, watch out for spears that could come from anywhere, and use those spears to open new wind paths.

Not only was it physically demanding, but it was also mentally exhausting to the point his brain felt like it would burn out.

‘Just a little more!’

Caesar searched for rideable wind paths around him.

But there were none to be found.

The mermaid had even stopped throwing spears, seemingly having realized that Caesar was using them to create paths.


Falling into the river means 100% death.

Sure enough, the mermaid were gathering like a school of minnows where Caesar was falling.

It’s all or nothing now.

Caesar changed his wind path again.

Direction: toward the group of knights caught in the succubi enchantment.

Caesar swung his axe at the Silver Wave Knights riding dolphins.


The knight instinctively blocked Caesar’s axe, but the dolphin he was riding screamed, unable to withstand the impact of the attack.

Caesar stepped on the gradually sinking Silver Wave Knight’s shoulder and advanced toward the ship.

The mermaid rushed toward Caesar like arrows and leaped simultaneously.

They thrust their tridents at Caesar.

After using Wind Reading to detect where they were coming from, Caesar created Wild Wind once again.


Some spears that Caesar couldn’t avoid in time struck him.

But their tridents only managed to scratch his skin.

The tridents’ power seemed weaker than expected.

Caesar arrived on the ship riding the final wind path.


“Wow, fuck, this actually worked.”

He really thought he was going to die.

If he’d known there were mermaid, he would never have come.

An even bigger problem was that the situation on the ship wasn’t good either.

“Die, you demon scum!”

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! Aaaagh!”

“Lord Bill! Come to your senses! Lord Bill!”

Like a mutiny had broken out, sailors fired guns at each other while knights crossed swords.

These were all veterans who had fought in the demon realm for 4 whole years.

People who would have received applause from tens of thousands of citizens lining the streets upon reaching the imperial capital were now dying like trash.

Caesar took a deep breath in and out.

A subtly sweet scent brushed past his nose.

The remnants of the succubi enchantment magic, the enchanting fragrance.

If affected by it, one would walk through empty dreams and kill each other like those people now.

But Caesar had no problems at all.

Because he knew how to overcome enchantment magic.


As Berserk activated, every single muscle cell in his body was inscribed with pain from the violent flow of aura.

That snapped him back to his senses.


The easiest way to resist enchantment magic.

It was pain.

Though ordinary pain isn’t enough to break free, since Berserk also had the effect of increasing mental strength, Caesar hadn’t fallen under enchantment magic since obtaining Barre’s body.

Caesar ran across the ship.

Using Path of the Wind, he brought down his axe handle on the sailors shooting at each other.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

They immediately lost consciousness.

The knights were no exception.

When enchanted, one’s senses become dull.

So they didn’t notice Caesar moving behind them.

Caesar swung his axe at the helmets the knights were wearing.


With a clear sound, the helmet flew off and the knight momentarily lost consciousness.

Then Caesar mercilessly stomped down on the exposed head.


His head dug into the flat deck and he passed out.

You think he’s dead?

If he died, that means he was weak, how is that my problem?

It’s right to deal with them before they kill innocent people.

“Who are you?!”

Just then, a clear-headed knight raised his sword toward Caesar.

“I’m Caesar, Special Sheriff of the Wizard Province. I also fought in the demon realm war for 3 years.”


“If I were under enchantment magic, they would all be dead by now.”

Caesar glanced at the knight’s severed little finger.

The easiest way to resist the enchanting fragrance is pain.

Of course, if ordinary pain wouldn’t work, the only option was to cut off one’s own finger or toe.

This man had professionally and decisively cut off his finger.

“I am Hudson, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Dawn Knights serving His Imperial Majesty.”

Another celebrity, huh.

Hudson the Clear Sky Knight.

In the game, he was known as ‘Reliable Hudson.’

Starting as a knight and rising to commander rank, you could recruit knights, and this NPC would always pull his weight when recruited.

Particularly with his high mental fortitude stat, he was a reliable character who would definitely do what needed to be done regardless of what he encountered.

“Sir Caesar, if possible…”

“Of course I’ll help. I have a way.”

“Really? What is it?”

“Come here for a moment.”

As soon as he approached, Caesar thrust his axe like lightning.

The man hurriedly blocked Caesar’s axe.

But the heavy Wild Wind extending from the axe struck his chin and knocked him unconscious.

“You helping means staying unconscious.”

The surroundings had been cleared by now.

The sailors were mostly dead or unconscious, and there were no knights left alive.

But Caesar’s allies were plentiful.

“To think you’re not affected by enchantment.”

The succubi bared their sharp nails toward Caesar.

“Who are you… Hm? Something feels familiar.”


“What is it?”

Of course it had to be that way.

Demons other than Greenskins can recognize doppelgangers.

You could say there’s a certain smell?

Anyway, they can sense some subtle difference.

‘I wasn’t planning to reveal myself like this originally.’

He didn’t want anyone to find out that Barre was Caesar.

But it couldn’t be helped.

The current scenario flow had become too twisted.

He needed to hear how they had appeared in the middle of the Valent continent and formed an alliance with the mermaid.

“Are you perhaps a doppelganger?”


Ah, right.

From their perspective, they only know I’m a doppelganger, not that I’m Barre.

Then perhaps I don’t need to reveal it?

My head must have gotten stiff from the intense fighting.

Caesar shaped his finger into a silver slime form and declared proudly:

“That’s right.”


Schedule: Every {Wed-Sat}

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I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake.

I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake.

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
[Congratulations on seeing all the endings of the Valent Saga.] [From now on, you can select the hidden origin ‘Demon Race’.] I was transmigrated into a Demon after falling into the game world and a whole 3 years have passed. The nameless Allied Forces soldier, Mil of the Sky Knight Order, Barbarian Knight Barre. And the doppelganger and spy of the Demon King's army, Seo-han, are all me. But I... "Y- you, what the heck... Bam!" I ended up blowing off the Demon King's head. Huh? This isn't right.


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