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“After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage” Chapter 6

"Disobeying an imperial decree is a capital crime. Are you willing to take my place at the execution block?"

After bathing and getting dressed, Gu Fu finally returned to her small courtyard, which she had left behind five years ago.

Gu Fu’s courtyard was called Feique Pavilion. When she was young, Gu Fu particularly liked this name, thinking that “Feique” (Flying Sparrow) sounded very free. Later, she realized that sparrows don’t fly far, so she often thought about changing the name to something like “Honghu” (Swan) or “Kunpeng” (a mythical giant bird).

As time went on, she understood that what determined her future wasn’t the name of her residence but her own choices, so she no longer fixated on it.

Having been away for five years, most of the maids in her courtyard had been transferred to other places. Only one named Mingzhu remained. Mingzhu was Nanny Wei’s granddaughter and had been taken to Zuowang Mountain with Gu Fu to provide cover for her. She knew that Gu Fu hadn’t actually been at Zuowang Mountain for the past five years, and upon her return, Mingzhu became the head maid of her courtyard.

Gu Fu wasn’t particular about her living arrangements. After returning to the courtyard, she simply looked around, reminisced about the past, and then prepared to take Mu Qingyao out to eat snacks at Jinchanxuan restaurant.

However, just as she was about to leave the courtyard, Second Madam Li came rushing over, bringing a group of maids with her.

“Second Miss,” Second Madam Li called out to Gu Fu.

Gu Fu felt a sense of foreboding rise in her heart. “Aunt, why are you here?”

Second Madam Li took Gu Fu’s hand affectionately and said, “This matter should have been addressed yesterday, but there was no time. Now that you’re here today, it’s the perfect opportunity to choose a few maids who will serve in your courtyard from now on.”

Gu Fu, still not fully adjusted from her time living as a man, almost misheard “courtyard people” as “room people” (maids who serve in the bedroom), which made her scalp tingle.

Regaining her composure, she said, “Aunt, I got used to the quiet at Zuowang Mountain. Let’s not have too many people in the courtyard.”

Second Madam Li insisted, “That won’t do. Have you ever heard of a noble girl’s courtyard being as deserted as yours? At the very least, you need two head maids and four second-class maids.”

Even if Gu Fu said she didn’t want them, it wouldn’t work.

Since the head wife in the Gu family’s main branch had passed away, the household was managed by Madam Li of the second branch. 

Over the years, Second Madam Li had been afraid of making mistakes and being criticized. If Gu Fu were her own daughter and didn’t want many people in her courtyard, Second Madam Li would indulge her. But Gu Fu was from the main branch of the family. If there were too few people in her courtyard, those in the know might say she was being considerate of her niece, but those who didn’t might accuse her of mistreating the main branch’s daughter by using her position as the household manager. So, no matter what, she had to add more servants to Gu Fu’s courtyard.

Gu Fu had no choice but to turn to Mingzhu and say, “Go and call Nanny Lin.”

Soon, Nanny Lin, whom Gu Fu mentioned, arrived.

Second Madam Li knew this nanny. She was young and beautiful, a servant brought back by the Old Madam from Zuowang Mountain. It was said that she was originally a farmer’s wife at the foot of the mountain. Her husband was a compulsive gambler who wanted to sell her as gambling collateral. The Old Madam pitied her and bought her.

Second, Madam Li also knew that it was this nanny who had caused a scene outside the Old Madam’s courtyard yesterday, prompting the Old Madam to learn that Gu Fu was being punished by kneeling. The Old Madam then sent Nanny Wei to bring Gu Fu out of the ancestral hall. This showed that although her manners and conduct might not be refined, she was loyal and protective.

Gu Fu asked Nanny Lin to pick the maids while she invited Second Madam Li inside for tea.

Nanny Lin wasn’t shy and even asked Gu Fu what kind of maids she wanted.

Gu Fu answered straightforwardly, “Ones that are easy to manage.”

Nanny Lin smiled and agreed, first asking the nanny by Second Madam Li’s side to learn about the personalities of the maids. She then walked in front of the two rows of maids, asking some questions before finally selecting one main maid and four second-class maids.

After choosing the maids, Second Madam Li stayed with Gu Fu for a while longer, reminding Gu Fu to come to her if she needed anything before finally leaving Feique Pavilion.

On the way back, the nanny by Second Madam Li’s side quietly informed her that, coincidentally, the maids Nanny Lin selected were the dullest among the group.

Second Madam Li was surprised, “Not even one smart and capable one?”

The nanny frowned, “I reminded her, but she said Second Miss only wanted easy-to-manage ones.”

Second Madam Li thought for a moment, then shook her head, “Never mind. As long as Mingzhu is in Feique Pavilion, she shouldn’t be bullied.”

However, this Nanny Lin still didn’t understand the ways of these wealthy households. She would need more guidance to ensure nothing went wrong in Second Miss’s courtyard. Today, Second Madam Li once again worried herself sick over the family.

Seemingly loyal but simple-minded Nanny Lin introduced the newly selected maids to Gu Fu after Second Madam Li left.

According to tradition, Gu Fu should have given them new names. Finding it troublesome, Gu Fu let them keep their original names and said that if they really wanted to change their names, they should ask Mingzhu to give them new ones, thus establishing Mingzhu’s position in the courtyard.

After giving some instructions, Gu Fu took Nanny Lin to find Mu Qingyao, preparing to go out.

Mingzhu, who was left to watch the courtyard, hurriedly chased after them, calling out to Gu Fu, “Miss, you forgot the veiled hat.”

Nanny Lin went back to fetch it. When she returned to Gu Fu, she heard her complaining about the hassle.

Seeing no one else around, Lin Nanny’s lips curled into a smile filled with a charm no one had ever seen before. She lowered her voice and said charmingly, “I always said the general is not suited to be a refined lady; the boundless desert and the clashing of swords and fire are the general’s true home.”

Gu Fu didn’t hold back: “Disobeying an imperial decree is a capital offense. Are you willing to take my place at the execution block?”

Nanny Lin covered her mouth and giggled: “I wouldn’t dare.”

The residence steward had received the orders and had already prepared the carriage and accompanying guards, so Gu Fu only needed to fetch Mu Qingyao before setting off.

The Gu family’s carriage drove onto the main street.

Besides Gu Fu, Mu Qingyao, and Nanny Lin, Mu Qingyao’s maid was also inside the carriage. Therefore, they only chatted idly along the way and didn’t discuss anything important.

Upon arriving at Jinchanxuan Restaurant, Gu Fu and Mu Qingyao alighted from the carriage wearing their veiled hats, with the gauze draping from the brims to their skirts fluttering slightly with their movements.

The two of them reserved a private room on the second floor. After the dim sum and tea were served, Gu Fu also rented an adjoining room, instructing Nanny Lin to take Mu Qingyao’s maid there to enjoy the dim sum.

Mu Qingyao’s maid, not expecting such a big treat, followed Lin Nanny in a daze. With the guards stationed outside, Gu Fu removed her veiled hat and tossed it aside.

Mu Qingyao gently set down her veiled hat, brought over a piece of dim sum, and said to Gu Fu: “Last month’s new ‘A Boat of Dreams Weighing Down the Milky Way’ is delicious. Try it.”

Gu Fu: “…”

She had been hesitant to touch the small boat, fearing it would ruin the aesthetic, but it turned out that the dim sum was meant to be eaten this way.

Gu Fu took another bite and discovered that the dense texture of the sweet red bean paste added a layered complexity to the floral tea jelly, making it quite tasty.

They ate dim sum and passed about the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. During this time, Gu Fu would occasionally glance out the window.

“Are you going out again?” Mu Qingyao asked.

Gu Fu touched her own face: “Is it that obvious?”

“Not really. Mainly because I know you. Others would just think you’re not used to the bustling streets of the capital since you’ve just returned,” Mu Qingyao said before asking again, “Where are you going?”

Gu Fu pulled a small piece of paper from her sleeve and handed it to Mu Qingyao.

The note was one that Gu Fu had taken from the wax ball. It simply said to meet at the Linlang Tavern around this time, which was conveniently just across the street from Jinchanxuan Restaurant.

Mu Qingyao read the signature on the note: “Li Yu.

Gu Fu introduced him: “The Empress’s nephew. He used to be my superior, then I became his superior. Last year, he was tricked back to the capital by the old master of the Li family and is now the Commander of the Imperial Guards… Why are you looking at me like that?”

Mu Qingyao: “I’ve always wanted to ask, if you are unhappy with being arranged in a marriage, why not find someone yourself? After all, you’ve met so many men over the years.”

Gu Fu pulled at the corners of her mouth, “If you’ve seen them not bathe for half a month, burp and fart, and make such a racket in brothels as if they wanted to tear the house down, you wouldn’t ask such a question.”

Mu Qingyao shivered on the spot, her face turning pale in an instant. Clearly, to her, such a description was akin to hell.

However, she adapted well to Gu Fu’s coarse language, not only finding it novel but even trying to imitate it, “Does this young master from the Li family also visit… brothels?”

Gu Fu took a sip of tea. “Of course he doesn’t. Raised in luxury, the young master coming to the northern frontier was a spur-of-the-moment decision. He’s forcing himself to stay out of sheer stubbornness; there’s no way he’d visit those shabby brothels in the north.”

Putting down the teacup, Gu Fu continued, “Someone once mocked him, and he got so angry that he cursed, saying those prostitutes had been with countless men and he found them filthy. Someone else tried to curry favor with him by finding a decent girl from a border town, but he said a girl willing to come for such deeds couldn’t be trusted to be truly chaste. Someone like me, who’s been through the rough and tumble of a military camp, wouldn’t appeal to him. So, I never considered him.”

Mu Qingyao’s hand paused slightly as she poured tea. She then asked, “How did he know you were still alive?”

“That’s a long story,” Gu Fu attempted to condense the process. “In short, when Li Yu heard of my death, he wanted to go to the northern frontier to retrieve my body out of old comradeship. The Empress couldn’t stop him and feared he wouldn’t return once he left, so she had to tell him I was still alive. But she didn’t tell him I was a woman and had him write a note, which she then sent to me.”

Mu Qingyao asked, “So, are you going to meet him now?”

Gu Fu sighed lightly. “I have to. If he heads to the northern frontier, how could I ever give an explanation to the Empress?”

After explaining the situation, Gu Fu waited for about half a cup of tea’s time before finally spotting the familiar figure in the crowd.

“I’ll be right back,” Gu Fu said, putting on her veil as she left the elegant room. She called Nanny Lin to join her and pretended to head to the restroom.

However, the two of them sneaked out of Jinchanxuan. Gu Fu asked Nanny Lin to wait for her at the cosmetics shop next door while she herself went to Linlang Tavern. She immediately spotted Li Yu, dressed in a black round-collared robe with a military-patterned long sword at his waist, standing impatiently under the tavern’s sign.

Gu Fu approached, but Li Yu didn’t even glance at her until she stood still. Only then did he frown and look at her, his tone unfriendly. “Did the general send you?”

The veil hanging down obscured Gu Fu’s appearance and figure. Gu Fu didn’t speak but merely nodded.

Li Yu sneered and gritted his teeth, “Another lie.”

Obviously, Li Yu thought Gu Fu was dead and believed the Empress had sent someone to deceive him to prevent him from going to the northern frontier.

Gu Fu cleared her throat and tried to speak in a soft and delicate voice, “The general anticipated you wouldn’t believe it and asked me to convey a message. He said you’d believe it once you heard it.”

Li Yu frowned, “What message?”

Gu Fu said, “You still owe the general two times for not taking off your pants. The general asks when you plan to repay.”

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After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage

After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage

卸甲后我待字闺中 Xiè Jiǎ Hòu Wǒ Dài Zì Guī Zhōng
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese

In the ninth year of Yongqing, General Gu Fu died in Qi Huai. The current emperor posthumously honored him as Marquis Zhongshun.

In the twelfth month of the same year, the second Miss Gu, who had accompanied her grandmother to the mountains to perform Buddhist rites for five years, returned home. The first thing she faced upon arrival was punishment—kneeling in the ancestral hall. In the ancestral hall, the elder of the Gu family scolded her, telling her not to act recklessly in the future and to obediently wait for the elders to arrange a marriage for her. However, she responded with a single sentence that made him storm off in anger. An unaware aunt and younger sister came to visit, seemingly out of concern, but they were actually mocking her. She calmly countered their remarks. Finally, her elder brother arrived. The scholarly eldest son of the Gu family paced back and forth in front of her, eventually blurting out, "The military camp is full of men! Do you know that if word of your disgraceful behavior spreads, it will bring shame to the family's daughters?" Gu Fu finally shed her carefree demeanor and replied seriously, "Defending the country is not a disgrace." Upon hearing that the Gu family wanted to marry off the second Miss Gu, the current emperor immediately sought out the empress, earnestly saying, "I regard the second Miss Gu as my own daughter. I can't let her marry just anyone. If empress has time, perhaps you could help me by looking for suitable candidates for her in the capital." The empress: "..." Understood, Matchmaking 101 it is.
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