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“After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage” Chapter 3

"How could one possibly be content with that!"

Gu Chen suppressed the inexplicable unease rising in his heart, turned his face away, and avoided Gu Fu’s gaze.

Outside, the sky quietly darkened as thick clouds covered the sun, and tiny snowflakes danced into the ancestral hall with a sudden gust of wind. Upon touching the ground, they melted into damp spots, gradually fading away.

Gu Chen remained silent for a long time, and Gu Fu didn’t press him like she did with Auntie Yang earlier. Instead, she also withdrew her gaze and looked at the incense burner on the case table.

Outside, the snow fell heavier and heavier. After some time, Gu Fu finally heard her elder brother’s voice. He said, “But that shouldn’t be you.”

Protecting the country and defending the home front was indeed not a disgrace, but it shouldn’t have been her task either.

Gu Fu looked at the incense burning in the center and the white smoke blown by the wind, and said calmly, “Because I am a woman?”

Gu Chen shook his head and told her, “Because you were born in this world.”

If people were to find out that Gu Fu, who was posthumously honored as loyal and dutiful, was a woman, all those praises and honors would instantly turn into accusations and insults.

At that time, perhaps people would still remember how loyal and brave Gu Fu had been, accumulating unprecedented military achievements over these five years. However, more people would criticize Gu Fu for being restless at home, mingling among men, and losing her purity long ago. They would even criticize the court for being incompetent, allowing a woman to go to the battlefield and kill enemies.

— Such is the way of the world.

Gu Fu was not ignorant; it was precisely because she saw things too clearly that she had disregarded everything five years ago and wanted to join the military on the northern frontier. She knew it was her last chance. After turning fourteen, once she was betrothed, marriage and childbirth would be the only possibilities left.

Now back in the capital city, her future was once again pulled onto the “right track” in the eyes of the world. Although she didn’t like such an outcome, at least she had those five years that no one else could catch up to.

She should be content.

Gu Fu comforted herself but couldn’t help asking, “If you had the ability but couldn’t serve as an official in court, would you be willing?”

If you had the capability but couldn’t use it, only able to watch others achieve what you desired, and you didn’t even have the qualifications to strive for it, would you be willing?

Gu Chen had been studying diligently since childhood, with a mind full of beautiful articles that even the strictest scholars praised him for. Therefore, he didn’t need to try hard to empathize with Gu Fu’s question. Emotions surged in his chest, making his hands in his sleeves slowly clench into fists —

How could anyone be willing!

Gu Chen left the ancestral hall, his mind filled with his recent conversation with Gu Fu. He was absent-minded, and when he met Mu Qingyao carrying a food box on the way, he didn’t pay much attention to her.

The maid who was holding an umbrella for Mu Qingyao couldn’t help but complain softly, “How can Young Master pretend not to see you?”

Mu Qingyao didn’t mind, “Perhaps he really didn’t see me.”

She took the umbrella from the maid’s hand, asked her to return first, and entered the ancestral hall by herself.

As soon as she entered, she heard Gu Fu sighing, “I’m so hungry…”

The expression on Mu Qingyao’s face slowly faded away, as if she had peeled off a layer of mask, no longer maintaining a polite smile, just blankly staring.

She spoke, her voice devoid of its usual gentle fluctuations, as flat as a straight line, “I just went to the kitchen and brought you a bowl of noodles. Eat while it’s hot.”

Gu Fu turned around, smiled, and called out to Mu Qingyao, “Qingyao.”

Mu Qingyao pulled over a round stool, sat gracefully on it, opened the food box, and brought out the hot soup noodles, handing them to Gu Fu.

Gu Fu sat cross-legged and started eating the soup noodles. 

Like Gu Fu, Mu Qingyao lost her mother shortly after birth. But Mu Qingyao was even more unfortunate. Her father was a military officer who, right after losing his wife, was sent by an imperial decree from the late emperor to guard the northwest, a notoriously barren place. To spare Mu Qingyao from suffering, Mu General only took her brother and entrusted Mu Qingyao to his brother-in-law, Gu Qizheng. Thus, Mu Qingyao grew up in the Gu household.

Unlike Gu Fu, who had rebellion ingrained in her bones, Mu Qingyao had her own thoughts but was more indifferent, never fighting for anything. She would even pretend to be the perfect lady to make life easier for everyone.

Despite choosing completely different paths, their relationship was closer than sisters. Gu Fu had no doubt that if she ever killed someone, Mu Qingyao would find a shovel and urge her to bury the body in a secluded spot.

While Gu Fu was in the northern frontier, Mu Qingyao often wrote to her. So, even though they were apart for five years, they didn’t become estranged.

Mu Qingyao silently waited for Gu Fu to finish eating, then took the empty bowl with one hand and handed Gu Fu a handkerchief with the other. Her voice was calm, almost cold: “Recently, I went to see the Second Madam and saw several paintings. They were all portraits of young men.”

Gu Fu wiped her mouth with the handkerchief and said, “Aunt and my second uncle are deeply in love. It’s not good to speak recklessly about such matters.”

Mu Qingyao was unimpressed by Gu Fu’s pretense. “Keep pretending. You know very well that those portraits are Aunt’s way of selecting a husband for you.”

Gu Fu had no choice but to face reality. “Has Aunt chosen someone for me?”

“It seems she has. I noticed one portrait set aside and took a look at it.” Mu Qingyao paused slightly before continuing. “The name on the portrait is Xie Zichen. I inquired and found out he’s Uncle’s student. He’ll be taking the imperial examination next year, and Uncle is confident he’ll pass with high honors. Aunt chose him for you.”

Hearing such detailed information, Gu Fu lowered her gaze and fell into deep thought.

Mu Qingyao did not disturb her and even helped adjust her clothing and accessories.

After a while, Gu Fu looked up and gave Mu Qingyao an exceptionally sweet smile.

Mu Qingyao, who was used to such behavior, said, “Go ahead.”

Gu Fu said, “What if the man himself rejects the proposal?”

Mu Qingyao had anticipated this and responded straightforwardly, “As long as it doesn’t damage your reputation, I can help you.”

Gu Fu’s smile widened. “I’ll take you to Jinchan Pavilion for some snacks tomorrow.”

Despite being apart for five years, Gu Fu’s appearance had not been marred by the harsh conditions of the northern frontier. She had become even more beautiful. Mu Qingyao, blushing from Gu Fu’s smile, thought the men in the northern barracks must have been blind not to notice that Gu Fu was a woman.

Little did Mu Qingyao know that Gu Fu’s behavior in the barracks was far more unruly than when she was with her. She acted very much like a man, with a rough and rebellious demeanor.

Outside, the wind and snow grew stronger. Despite the charcoal fire, the temple couldn’t keep out the cold drafts seeping through the window cracks.

Mu Qingyao wanted to go back to fetch a warm cloak for Gu Fu, but Gu Fu stopped her. “Why bother? I’ll be leaving soon.”

Mu Qingyao was skeptical. “Uncle is determined to punish you this time. I had someone send word to the Old Madam before I came, but they were stopped. Do you really think you can leave soon?”

Gu Fu was confident. “Just wait.”

Sure enough, after a short while, Wei Mama, one of the Old Madam’s attendants, hurried in with several others, muttering, “My little ancestor, your legs haven’t…” Hurt from kneeling?

Wei Mama stopped mid-sentence when she saw Gu Fu sitting on a cushion. She quickly changed her tone, “Aren’t you cold? In this freezing weather, how could the master be so harsh?”

Gu Fu stood up, pulling Mu Qingyao along, and followed Wei Mama to the Old Madam’s courtyard.

The Old Madam, furious, ordered Gu Fu to stay with her and rest until dinner, daring anyone to make her kneel again.

The Old Madam then praised Mu Qingyao for being a good child who cared for Gu Fu, bringing her hot noodles to eat.

Mu Qingyao softly replied, “Don’t be angry, Old Madam. It’s bad for your health. Let Sister Fu rest first.”

Reminded, the Old Madam quickly instructed Wei Mama to take Gu Fu to a side room to rest.

Mu Qingyao noticed that when Wei Mama took Gu Fu to the side room, a young maid also followed.

Curious, Mu Qingyao asked, “Old Madam, who is that?”

The Old Madam patted her hand and whispered, “Someone Fu’er brought back from the northern frontier.”

Mu Qingyao guessed that this maid must have successfully sent the message, allowing the Old Madam to rescue Gu Fu from the temple in time.

However, she didn’t ask further and instead changed the subject, offering, “I recently learned some massage techniques from a doctor at Jishi Hall. Let me give you a massage.”

Gu Fu went to the side room and slept until evening, listening to the wind and snow outside.

Because the Old Madam was home, the whole family gathered for dinner. After the meal, the wind and snow stopped, and the Old Madam called Gu Qizheng for a thorough scolding.

Afterward, the Old Madam asked about the matchmaking for Gu Fu. Gu Qizheng then told the Old Madam about the person chosen by the Second Madam, Li Shi.

Gu Fu crouched on the snow-covered rooftop, eavesdropping on the conversation. After hearing everything, she stepped off the eaves and left, not returning to her own courtyard but heading to Mu Qingyao’s courtyard instead.

Gu Fu had made an excuse after dinner to spend the night in Mu Qingyao’s courtyard.

She jumped down from the rooftop and climbed back into Mu Qingyao’s room through the window.

The candlelight inside flickered due to the sudden opening of the window. Mu Qingyao had sent away all the maids, leaving her alone, reading a book by the candlelight on the bed.

Mu Qingyao was engrossed in her book and only noticed Gu Fu’s return when she walked to the bedside. She asked casually, “How did it go?”

Gu Fu sat on the edge of the bed and said, “It’s Xie Zichen. He lives on Fude Street in the eastern part of the city.”

Mu Qingyao noticed that Gu Fu mentioned the address and asked, “Are you planning to go out?”

Gu Fu replied, “Yes. Do you have any men’s clothing?”

The Old Madam disliked the clothes Gu Fu had brought back from the northern frontier and threw them out. The Old Madam then instructed the maids to make new clothes for her overnight, but they were all women’s clothing, which was inconvenient for going out at night.

Mu Qingyao shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

“No matter.” Gu Fu got up and walked towards the window. “I’ll go borrow some.”

Her third brother was about the same size as her, so she decided to borrow from him.

Mu Qingyao didn’t stop her and just said calmly, “Come back and take a bath.”

“I know.” Gu Fu once again jumped out the window and headed to her third brother’s courtyard.

When she said “borrow,” Gu Fu actually meant to steal. Unfortunately, her third brother was still awake late at night, with his room brightly lit. Gu Fu had no choice but to knock on the window after confirming he was alone.

Gu Zhu, who was drawing at the table, was startled by the knocking sound, and the pen in his hand drew a wavy line, ruining the entire drawing.

At that moment, he couldn’t care less about the drawing. His eyes widened in terror as he stared at the window, unsure whether to run or call for help, looking very much like an unlucky character in a story who wouldn’t survive past the third page.

The window slowly opened, and Gu Zhu was so scared he almost slid under the table. Luckily, he heard a familiar voice from outside, which calmed him down completely—

“Third Brother? Lend me some clothes.”

Translator’s Notes

My Little Ancestor: Loving complaint usually used by the grandparents or household servants towards a difficult-to-handle kid, since you have to beg them to comply

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After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage

After Shedding My Armor, I Await Marriage

卸甲后我待字闺中 Xiè Jiǎ Hòu Wǒ Dài Zì Guī Zhōng
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese

In the ninth year of Yongqing, General Gu Fu died in Qi Huai. The current emperor posthumously honored him as Marquis Zhongshun.

In the twelfth month of the same year, the second Miss Gu, who had accompanied her grandmother to the mountains to perform Buddhist rites for five years, returned home. The first thing she faced upon arrival was punishment—kneeling in the ancestral hall. In the ancestral hall, the elder of the Gu family scolded her, telling her not to act recklessly in the future and to obediently wait for the elders to arrange a marriage for her. However, she responded with a single sentence that made him storm off in anger. An unaware aunt and younger sister came to visit, seemingly out of concern, but they were actually mocking her. She calmly countered their remarks. Finally, her elder brother arrived. The scholarly eldest son of the Gu family paced back and forth in front of her, eventually blurting out, "The military camp is full of men! Do you know that if word of your disgraceful behavior spreads, it will bring shame to the family's daughters?" Gu Fu finally shed her carefree demeanor and replied seriously, "Defending the country is not a disgrace." Upon hearing that the Gu family wanted to marry off the second Miss Gu, the current emperor immediately sought out the empress, earnestly saying, "I regard the second Miss Gu as my own daughter. I can't let her marry just anyone. If empress has time, perhaps you could help me by looking for suitable candidates for her in the capital." The empress: "..." Understood, Matchmaking 101 it is.
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