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I Alone Resurrect Chapter 130

I Alone Resurrect Chapter 130

Those Annoying Guys (1)

“This time, it’s the Eagle Shot!”

“What’s that childish technique!?”

“Back in my day, this was legendary, you fool!”

Kang Hyeon ran with his arms spread wide and kicked the skull hard.

-Kuaaah! I’ll kill all of you!

“It’s so noisy I could die.”

An Yu-seong received the quickly flying skull with his chest.

“Oof, I’ll pass it.”

An Yu-seong kicked the skull up in Yoon Na-rae’s direction,

“Haap! Moon Spiral Head Attack!”

Yoon Na-rae spun once in the air and executed a difficult shot commonly called an overhead kick.

“Your technique is even more childish, you know?”

“Does the Guild Master understand a girl’s sensibility?”

And so, the group continued their game of foot volleyball for a while.

-You bastards… I can’t forgive you. You can’t do this to me, a disciple of that person!

Intense anger could be felt from Alos Olun, the apostle with only a head remaining.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon. I’ll pass it to you.”

“Okay! This time it’s the Banana Shot!”

Regardless, the group focused on their long-awaited play.

-I’ll kill you all…

It was then.

Suddenly, a chilling magical power began to emanate from the skull.

Kang Hyeon, who was about to execute the legendary technique of the Techno World Cup, the Banana Shot, hesitated.


His thoughts were brief, but his actions were quick.

Kang Hyeon activated ‘Wayne’s Secret Technique’ as soon as he felt the magical power.

“This bastard, where does he think he is!”

Kang Hyeon raised his foot towards the sky and struck down on the skull with his heel.

-Crack! Kwaaang!

With that impact, the skull flew like a bullet and stuck into the ground.

“What? What happened!?”

The group hurriedly gathered at Kang Hyeon’s sudden action.

There lay the skull, split into dozens of pieces.

“It’s dead! What did you do!?”

“This bastard was going crazy trying to use magic. And this guy was already dead, you know?”

“Is that important right now!?”

While Yoon Na-rae and Kang Hyeon were bickering, Shin Seong-a approached and carefully examined the fragments.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon. Can a guy with only a head left use magic?”

“I don’t know. I suddenly felt magical power.”

“Didn’t you say you were going to send this to Team Leader Shin Tae-gil?”

“That’s right…”

Just then, Kang Hyeon’s phone started ringing.

“I guess I can’t be a gentleman…”

Team Leader Shin Tae-gil’s name appeared on the smartphone screen.




Kang Hyeon welcomed Shin Tae-gil at the restaurant of the hotel where he was staying.

“What brings you here in person? I thought you were extremely busy.”

“Given the nature of the matter, I felt I should come directly. By the way, why did you ask me to come here?”

“It’s dinner time, isn’t it? I read online that the beef at this hotel is supposed to be delicious.”

“Don’t you get tired of eating beef every day?”

“I don’t get tired of it. And I don’t eat it every day.”

Kang Hyeon said with a serious expression.

“Ah! It looks great.”

A moment later.

Steaks were placed in front of Kang Hyeon and Shin Tae-gil, and they continued their conversation while cutting the meat.

“So. What’s your business today?”

“First, I want to thank you, Kang Hyeon.”

“Thank me?”

“Yes. If it weren’t for you, a major incident would have occurred. No one else had noticed.”

“Hmm, is that so? I’m not sure about that.”

Kang Hyeon shrugged.

“The undead wizard you caught. Didn’t you say it had very strong abilities?”

“Well, that skeleton was quite powerful.”

“Yes. Such a powerful monster roaming free and being worshiped by people… It could have potentially developed into a national crisis if we weren’t careful.”

“Now that you mention it, I suppose it does seem that way.”

Kang Hyeon said half-listening while eagerly stuffing the steak into his mouth.

Watching this, Shin Tae-gil sighed and took a bite of his own steak.

“It certainly is delicious. By the way, where is the undead you captured?”

At Shin Tae-gil’s question about the undead, Kang Hyeon’s expression hardened.

“Well… It died.”

“What? Didn’t you say you captured it alive?”

“There was an unfortunate accident.”

Kang Hyeon shook his head with a gloomy expression.

“Did something else happen?”

“No, it’s not that… We were just all playing together, and suddenly this head-only creature used a very dangerous spell! So I had no choice but to destroy it.”

Shin Tae-gil frowned, not understanding.

“Playing together? What do you mean…”

“I’m telling you, it was a very dangerous creature! It’s fortunate that it was dealt with properly. Haha!”

Kang Hyeon’s laughter was somewhat awkward.

“Is that so…?”

Shin Tae-gil felt uneasy, but he had nothing to say since Kang Hyeon insisted.

“Enough about the skeleton, why did you come today?”

“Didn’t I come to collect the skeleton?”

“Ah, right… Is there nothing else?”

At Kang Hyeon’s question, Shin Tae-gil sighed.

“You know about those strange insects you sent us?”

The insects coming out of people’s bodies.

The first two insects that came out of Jo Yu-sik’s wife and son had both died.

But in the recent battle at the abandoned factory, they were able to capture an enormous number.

Kang Hyeon had sent all those captured insects to Shin Tae-gil.

“What did you find out?”

“All those insects died during transport.”

“They died?”

Shin Tae-gil continued with a gloomy expression.

“Exactly as I said. They suddenly started dying one by one, and later even the corpses disappeared. It seems that without certain conditions, for example, a host to parasitize, they simply vanish.”

Kang Hyeon frowned at Shin Tae-gil’s explanation.

“With Jo Yu-sik dead from their attack back then, the insects were our only lead…”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Shin Tae-gil. Tsk… Next time I’ll have to come with them attached to my body.”

“Let’s not do anything too dangerous.”

“Yeah, yeah. When have you ever seen me do anything dangerous?”

Shin Tae-gil laughed at Kang Hyeon’s joke.

“Ah, come to think of it, I should tell you this too. You know Jo Yu-sik’s family, right?”

“I heard they were in a vegetative state in the hospital.”

“Yes. But they woke up on my way here.”

“Oh, that’s good news. You should tell them about Jo Yu-sik’s death, Shin Tae-gil. Ah, make sure to explain clearly that I didn’t kill him, to avoid any misunderstanding.”

“Well… That won’t be necessary. They’ve both become idiots.”

Kang Hyeon’s eyes widened at the word ‘idiots’.


“Yes. They don’t say a word and just stare blankly at the sky all day.”

“The father is dead, and the mother and son are idiots. A whole family ruined.”

“Now that you put it that way… It is a tragic situation.”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do. It’s not like we can help them…”

Kang Hyeon sighed and downed his beer.

“So we have no leads now, right?”

“Yes. It’s clear that those captured at the abandoned factory will end up in the same state as Jo Yu-sik’s family when they wake up.”


With no leads left, Kang Hyeon fell into thought, wondering if he had missed anything.

Suddenly, something occurred to him.

“Those cult bastards…”

“Pardon? Cult?”

Shin Tae-gil was taken aback by the sudden mention of a cult.

“Shin Tae-gil. There’s a strange cult religious group in this area. Do you know anything about it?”

“Cult religion… I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to, but aren’t those things everywhere in the country?”

Kang Hyeon shook his head at Shin Tae-gil’s counterquestion.

“It wasn’t just a simple ‘Do you know the way?’ Before Jo Yu-sik died, he said some bizarre things… What was it again? Something about enjoying eternal life, and when ‘He’ comes, the world will end, or something like that.”

“Hmm, eternal life…”

“And coincidentally, I heard that some cult members were doing strange preaching in this area. They had words like immortality and eternal life written on their pickets…”

Shin Tae-gil’s eyes sharpened at Kang Hyeon’s words.

“If what you’re saying is true, it certainly is suspicious.”

“I know, right? It seems even stranger now that I’ve said it out loud.”

“It’s too coincidental to dismiss it as mere chance. I’ll look into this religious group in detail.”

Kang Hyeon nodded at Shin Tae-gil’s words.

“Then I’ll see you again when we have new information. I’d appreciate it if you could put in a little more effort as well, Kang Hyeon.”

Shin Tae-gil bowed his head slightly and stood up from his seat.

“Are you leaving? Haven’t you forgotten something?”

“Pardon? What do you mean?”

“The translation ability. I asked you to get me a skill book. What happened with that?”

“Ah, I’m sorry, but I haven’t been able to find one yet. They’re quite rare. I’ll contact you as soon as I find one.”

As Shin Tae-gil was about to leave after finishing his words, Kang Hyeon stopped him again.

“And one more thing.”

“What else is there?”

“You need to raise the unit price.”

Shin Tae-gil was taken aback by the mention of the unit price.

“What do you mean by that…”

“You said it yourself. A very serious problem! A national crisis! Thanks to me, you noticed an enormous incident. And now you’re asking me to solve it too.”


“You’re not trying to settle this with just one skill book, are you? No matter how much we talk about how hellish it is, we need to calculate things properly.”

Shin Tae-gil let out a deep sigh at Kang Hyeon’s words.

“What do you want…”

“I hear the government is making some kind of magic potion these days?”

“Where did you hear that…”

“It’s supposed to be amazing! How is the government doing better research than research institutes?”


“I wonder if they’ve caught an alien and are torturing it. Oh, or maybe it’s a skeleton, not an alien?”

As Kang Hyeon chuckled, Shin Tae-gil sighed.

“Just get to the point…”

“Heh. Lighten up. You look like someone died. Anyway, let us have a foot in that project.”

Although the request to “have a foot in” was vague, Shin Tae-gil immediately understood its meaning.

“Are you asking for Director Jeong Seo-bin to participate in our research?”

“That’s right. I like how quick you are to understand.”


“Jeong Seo-bin. She’s a good talent, but with the government monopolizing information, research efficiency is dropping. This is a national, no, a loss for all of humanity!”

“Isn’t it just that the money falling to you, Kang Hyeon, will increase?”

Kang Hyeon grinned at Shin Tae-gil’s words.

“That’s a tiny part of the reason too. Anyway, will you do it? Or not? If you don’t, I’ll back out whether it’s cults or skeletons causing trouble.”

“This isn’t something I can decide on my own. Give me a little time.”

Kang Hyeon stroked his chin at Shin Tae-gil’s words.

“Oh my… How strong was that skeleton we caught this time? Just in terms of magical power, it would easily be in the top 5 nationally. Sigh, who else could have caught such a being without any casualties if not me?”

Kang Hyeon continued his cringeworthy act.

“It looks like even stronger ones might pop up… Well, it’s fine! Even without me, Team Leader Shin Tae-gil will find someone to handle it, right?”


Shin Tae-gil sighed, rubbing his face.

“Alright. We’ll proceed as you requested, Kang Hyeon.”

“You just made a very wise decision.”

The corners of Kang Hyeon’s mouth turned up slightly.

‘I’ll have to brag about this to Director Jeong Seo-bin when I get back.’




“Grand master.”

Na Dae-su turned his gaze to the voice calling him.

“What is it?”

“There was an infiltration attempt by an outsider.”

Na Dae-su’s face hardened at the word ‘outsider’.

“An outsider… Could it be related to Kang Hyeon?”

“I’m not sure about that. It doesn’t seem to be an ability user, at least.”

Everything had been going well, clearly.

It seemed like things would always go smoothly, but lately, things kept going wrong.

“Jo Yu-sik died, the guild was disbanded, the Apostle died… Why do these things keep happening…”

Na Dae-su bowed his head, falling into despair.

The woman wiped her eyes as she watched him.

“Grand master. Don’t worry. We are on your side. No matter how others see us, we are the happiest now!”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“We will continue to thoroughly block outsiders from now on.”

“Yes. They will need to be enlightened someday, but now is not the time. Soon, it will be time for the Apostles, His disciples, to descend here in earnest. We must lay the groundwork for that time.”


“Then you may go. I need to have an audience with the Apostle.”


As the woman left and he was left alone, Na Dae-su’s expression suddenly changed.

“Useless fools. Nothing is going right!”

If it was an outsider, their identity was obvious.

Someone who was suspicious of this place had sent them to gather information.

No, perhaps such a mole had already entered the cult.

“This time, I’ll really die…”

The mysterious voice seemed to be in a high position among the Apostles.

The words he had said in his last interview with that voice flashed through his mind.

-They won’t know our true identity! Anyone who might know the secret is dead, and we’ve handled everything cleanly so far, so it will surely end with Jo Yu-sik’s forces being cut off!

That was his last chance.

If the voice found out that someone had become suspicious of this place…

‘They would kill me for being incompetent.’

Na Dae-su was living here, revered as the Cult leader, but he was a smart person.

‘The power I have? Authority? Those things won’t help at all. There are plenty of people who could replace me.’

From the beginning, Na Dae-su had started this to survive.

He created the cult and became the Cult leader because he didn’t want to die.

Refusing wasn’t even an option.

He had a family, and the power the Apostles had shown far surpassed his common sense.

‘I even thought, aren’t they really disciples of a god?’

But now he knows.

They are monsters.

An inescapable swamp, and at the same time, a poison that kills all life.

The white, bony fingers of the Apostle are an irresistible touch of death, choking the life out of you.

‘I need to move right now.’

There wasn’t much time left.

He didn’t know what consequences his current choice would bring, but he couldn’t die without doing anything.


In the late hours.

Na Dae-su, who had sneaked out of the building, hurriedly moved his feet.

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I Alone Resurrect

I Alone Resurrect

Solo Resurrection Novel
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Solo Resurrection Novel [Innate Ability: Resurrection] "What? What's with this super OP cheat skill?" However, Kang Hyun didn't know. What it meant to die, want to die, and not being able to. The man who became the most infamous hunter on Earth with his immortal body! As a human disaster--No, as one against the disasters facing the human race,  


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