Chapter 325
- Everyone Has a Plan… (8)
#7 Their Circumstances: The Circumstances of Some Kingdoms
The Karan Empire.
The only empire that all the kingdoms on the continent fear.
Whether it be quality or the scale of troops.
The Karan Empire, which is so superior in everything that it cannot be compared to other nations, is evaluated to be able to wipe out three nations with just one legion.
The Karan Empire, which has dozens of legions that can deal with several kingdoms, was the object of respect and fear of the various kingdoms on the continent.
Is that all?
Absolute imperial power that does not shake despite the huge territory and numerous nobles.
Two grand duchies that would not be strange to classify as the strongest country on the continent.
The Imperial Academy of Four Schools, which boasts its reputation as the best educational institution on the continent.
There were no elements that could shake it internally, and talented people who would carry on the future continued to emerge.
An insurmountable gap has opened in terms of external and internal factors.
Recently, such a Karan Empire has gained fame.
It was not the reputation of being the strongest country on the continent, the only empire on the continent.
It was the reputation of ‘the country that is saving the world’!
The Karan Empire already had diplomatic power as the strongest country on the continent.
There is talk that imperial citizens are ranked higher than nobles from kingdoms they have never even heard of, so powerful is the empire’s diplomacy.
That is why the citizens of other countries feared the empire.
Because there was nothing they could win!
Because it had the power to destroy their lives at any time!
But that changed when they brought down the army of evil god.
Many countries were destroyed, and the powerful Ruvella City Alliance, one of the strongest military powers on the continent, was pathetically destroyed.
Now the only hope left is the heroes of each doctrine.
If they are heroes who exist to defeat the Demon King, they will be able to defeat the Demon King and the evil army of evil god and save the world!
Above all, the hero of Nature Religion is a being who has defeated even dragons!
Since he is one of the most outstanding heroes in history, many people have placed their hopes on the heroes.
But the heroes were defeated.
Even though all the heroes of every doctrine gathered, they failed to defeat the Demon King.
Rather, many heroes were killed or injured.
After the outbreak of the evil god army, most heroes died.
All the nobles on the continent locked their gates and prepared their defenses.
Some even abandoned their dignity as nobles and fled.
But they could not stop the Demon King.
The walls collapsed, and those who fled were also killed.
It began to lead to the weakening of the authority of the nobles and the royal power.
What was the reason the people living in the kingdom followed the royals and nobles while suffering hardship and humiliation?
It was to survive.
Because they could not win even if they fought against them, and because they believed that the country would protect them when attacked by other countries or monsters.
But the army of evil god could not be stopped.
Most of those who were supposed to defend the country fled, and those who remained could not defend the country.
Except for the empire.
The evil god army did not set foot on the territory of the empire.
It wasn’t barely holding it off either.
They had spare power to help their allies who had allied with them, and even accepted requests for support from countries they had not allied with.
The people of the ruined nations flocked to the empire.
The people threatened by the evil god army desperately wanted the empire’s help, and even more words like this began to emerge.
“I wish we were imperial citizens.”
“I know right. Imperial citizens don’t have to worry about the army of evil god, right?”
“There’s no reason to worry about something you’ve never seen, right?”
“You have to speak precisely. We haven’t seen it either, so we don’t have to worry because the evil god army hasn’t come.”
“Damn! The Rahihenel Kingdom has already been destroyed. Next is the Ferret Kingdom, and after that, it’s us, right?”
“Should we flee to the empire?”
“We have to do that to survive.”
Those who sighed at the same time all had the same thought.
“”“If only the Empire had ruled the continent… This would not have happened….”””
The empire, which boasted an undefeated record in the decisive battle, was also undefeated against the army of evil god thereafter.
The empire, which had only been fear and terror, became an object of admiration after defeating the forces of the evil god.
The people of the countries saved began to praise the empire, and those threatened by the forces of the evil god began to look for the empire.
The foundation of a country is its people.
No matter how strong the royal authority they wield!
No matter how many excellent nobles there are!
All of that was maintained because the people exist.
The nobles do not farm.
Farming is the job of the people.
They collect the results as taxes to feed the nobles and supply the army.
The nobles do not become soldiers.
Being a soldier is the job of the people.
The nobles play the roles of knights, mages, or commanders, but do not become soldiers.
When there are 10,000 troops, there are less than a thousand nobles at most, and the rest were all people.
The ones at the very bottom but who occupy the greatest numbers.
If they disappear, the minority nobles and royals will inevitably collapse.
The royals and nobles began to become afraid.
They felt their authority visibly plummeting.
At this rate, it seemed strange if the people didn’t open the gates when the imperial army invaded.
At first they controlled the people.
They captured and publicly executed in front of everyone those who praised the empire.
At first it seemed to work.
But those actions came back to bite them.
“The empire would not commit such atrocities.”
“Just for spreading word of defeating the evil god’s army they get captured?”
“Could the kingdom be a follower of the evil god?”
The justification belonged to the people.
The root cause was that they even captured and killed those simply announcing that the evil god’s forces had been defeated.
Captured just for saying the evil god’s forces were defeated? And killed publicly in front of everyone?
The evil god is an evil being who seeks to destroy the world.
His vanguard the Demon King and those following the evil god are evil beings that should be eradicated.
Rumors began to spread.
That the monarch is a follower of the evil god, and that is why he would not be happy that the evil god’s forces were defeated!
The moment the evil god’s forces arrive, the monarch and nobles will hand over the kingdom to the evil evil god!
The kingdom, unable to say they killed people for praising the empire, could not remain silent.
For if they oppressed the people, more rumors would spread.
The evil followers of the evil god have started killing those who noticed their plan!
But silence cannot be the answer.
Eventually the rumors grew until the nearby orders began to move as well.
The holy knights and priests gathered to fight the evil god, along with the troops of the orders, came to the kingdom and demanded they prove their innocence.
The situation became difficult for the kingdoms.
Their forces were powerful and justification was on their side as well.
Rejecting them would brand the kingdom’s royals and nobles as evil followers of the evil god.
Eventually they had no choice but to open the gates of the capital and reveal everything inside the kingdom for the orders’ investigation.
It was humiliating.
Even if they followed the will of god, revealing all the secrets of the kingdom was a rare occurrence.
While they managed to clear themselves of suspicions of being the evil god’s followers, they still lost many things in the process.
And it did not even resolve the fundamental problem.
While they suffered humiliation, the empire began to drive back the forces of the evil god, and the evil god’s forces started fleeing from the imperial army.
This could not be left alone.
The empire, which holds hegemony over the continent, was also winning over the hearts of the people of the continent.
And there was only one way to stop it.
Namely, defeating the evil god’s forces themselves.
The royals and nobles contemplated.
If their kingdom fought the evil god’s forces, could they even win?
The answer was simple. Absolutely not.
The only places on the continent with military forces comparable to the Ruvella City Alliance could be counted on one hand.
Ordinary kingdoms defeating the evil god’s forces, which had easily destroyed even the Ruvella City Alliance, was impossible.
They could not win with their own power alone.
Realizing this, they turned their eyes sideways. There, they saw dozens of kingdoms in similar situations as themselves.
While countries facing a common enemy aren’t necessarily allies, they aren’t necessarily enemies either.
They had a common problem and the solution was the same as well.
At a very rapid pace dozens of kingdoms allied, and the allied forces grew past 100,000 to 200,000 to 300,000 troops.
300 thousand troops!
With this they could fight the imperial army and easily defeat the evil god’s forces!
Thinking this, the allied forces clashed with the evil god’s army and were cleanly defeated.
They could not accept reality.
How could they move 300 thousand troops but still lose?
Impossible. It was because they were careless and lost.
Making all sorts of excuses they fought the evil god’s forces again but were defeated.
And the same after that as well.
Losing and losing and losing again.
Occasionally they would loudly declare victory after banding together to take down a group of a few dozen of the evil god’s forces wandering together, but the soldiers’ morale did not rise.
Attacking a few dozen monsters with an army of hundreds of thousands, but taking thousands of casualties in return.
Through repeated battles the soldiers realized their spears and arrows had no effect.
To fight those monsters, knights were necessary.
But the knights were protecting the nobles hiding among the hundreds of thousands of troops.
There was only one reason why thousands of soldiers died.
It was to buy time until the knights could engage the monsters.
No one did not know this.
Although they were allied forces of different nationalities, the soldiers all had the same thought.
‘If this keeps up, we’re dead meat!’
Desertions began.
After sleeping and waking up, the number of soldiers noticeably started to decrease.
There were troops stationed to keep watch, but they were useless.
Because they were soldiers too.
Rather than catching the deserting soldiers, they ran away together.
At first it was a minority of soldiers that deserted, but as the scale grew larger, incidents occurred where hundreds of personnel disappeared in a day.
As the situation became more and more serious, the nobles leading the Allied Forces had fire under their feet.
In order to check the Empire and raise the reputation of their own country, they had organized the Allied Forces and marched out, if things kept going like this wouldn’t they end up ruined!
Eventually they stationed knights to prevent deserters, and started giving speeches every morning to the gathered soldiers about how great and admirable the Allied Forces’ work was.
Also, to raise morale, they deployed all the Swordmasters they had to show them annihilating the evil god army.
At first the soldiers who had thought how could they just abandon us to die when seeing these people, upon seeing the Swordmasters’ tremendous power they started to change their thoughts.
With those people, we can win.
We will be able to defeat the Demon King and destroy the evil god army!
As morale rose, the number of deserters decreased, and after that they were able to build up achievements relying on the Swordmasters and knights.
Around the time they started to regain confidence, new information was provided to the Allied Forces.
<Baresseryl Kingdom, the Dwarves of the citadel held back the evil god army!>
<Evil god army isolated! Arrival of Imperial Forces and Heroes Alliance!>
The evil god army was isolated, and the Imperial Forces and heroes had surrounded the evil god.
The final battle could break out at any time.
If the Imperial Forces and heroes defeat the evil god before they arrive, the Allied Forces will lose everything.
Marquis Perulles, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, quickly started moving the military.
And fortunately they were able to arrive before the Demon King fell.
Marquis Perulles, who had expected the Baresseryl Kingdom to collapse first or for the Demon King to fall, let out a sigh.
“Although the Imperial Forces’ position is a bit suspicious, it’s best we meet for now.”
Having arrived on time, Marquis Perulles could even feel a peculiar confidence.
The confidence to see even the Empire as an equal!
Although the number had decreased, he was the commander of an army surpassing 200,000, and the Empire’s commander was commanding just over a thousand people at best.
‘Although she’s called an Imperial Count, she’s still a young girl. On top of that her position is lower than mine.’
Thinking thus, Marquis Perulles brought all the Swordmasters gathered from each kingdom and headed towards the location of the Imperial Forces’ encampment.
Including himself, a full 13 Swordmasters were on the move!
No matter what, even if they were the Imperial Forces they would inevitably be overwhelmed by the Allied Forces’ momentum.
If they could defeat the evil god here while suppressing the Imperial Forces’ momentum, the status he had as the leader of the Allied Forces would be known by everyone on the continent.
“Why? What is it? You call a busy person out here and now you’re not saying anything?”
However, the moment he met the opponent, Marquis Perulles could not help but shut his mouth.
‘What, what is this?’
Like a frog before a snake, his spirit started to die.
Marverus Kingdom’s Marquis as well as a Swordmaster.
At the same time the commander of an Allied Forces army surpassing 200,000, yet he could not face the Imperial commander nonchalantly eating bread with an annoyed expression.
‘Death… For sure.’
A small stature making her look like a young girl even if you called her a lady.
Brown hair, her eyes a slightly lighter color than her hair were not looking at him.
She was leisurely eating bread despite having dozens of Swordmasters watching.
No matter what, even if they were the Empire, the representatives of 23 kingdoms had come yet she did not stand to greet them and was having a meal instead.
“You, you are….”
“What? Got a complaint?”
Chomp chomp!
Marquis Perulles who had stopped speaking, gulped his saliva.
“Or should I give you some?”
“That’s, not it….”
“I wasn’t planning on giving you any anyway.”
Marquis Perulles was at a loss for words.
Getting dominated by a girl who looked vaguely young.
But he couldn’t help it.
His instincts as a Swordmaster were telling him so.
Because visions of his head falling to the ground if he moved kept appearing!
“Thanks for the food.”
In the end, the Imperial Forces’ Commander finished her meal.
Marquis Perulles’s face flushed red from the sudden surge of humiliation.
This won’t do! Like this….!
Before he himself realized, the enemy commander who had smoothly stepped in and grabbed his hand as he tried to draw his sword.
“Wanna try it?”
Together with the words said while faintly smiling, he could see the same vision.
“Even though it’s a pain, I can do it for you.”
The vision of his head and body separating.
Like a bizarre premonition of the future, Marquis Perulles was trembling, unable to say anything.
“It looks like I’ll get busier ahead. Wouldn’t it be best if we avoid unnecessary trouble with each other?”
Seeing the enemy commander’s attitude become much more gentle than when she was eating, Marquis Perulles nodded his head.
“Y, yes that would be good.”
“I’m a bit busy right now, could you go back?”
“Ah, understood.”
Marquis Perulles and the Allied Forces’ Swordmasters, as if enchanted, went back to the Allied Forces’ base expressionlessly.
“We can’t beat the Empire.”
Together with a deep sense of defeat.
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